Mekwan Tulpin

Lead Ambassador - Canada

Lacrosse Achievements:

International Player - Team Canada
Provincial Player - Ontario

"I've learned so much more from those I've stood side by side with. The future of Women's Box Lacrosse is embedded within these smaller circles. Connect them all and we have an opportunity to influence the next play from outside the walls of the field too."

When did you first become interested in Box Lacrosse?

My mom used to work for the Woodland Cultural Centre/Museum in Brantford, so I learned just a bit about the game from one of the books she had brought home. We had a baggataway (Great Lakes style lacrosse) stick hanging next to my Moshum’s (Grandfather’s) handmade snow shoes on the wall. So the fact that it was a game/sport that originated within native communities really peaked my interest as a young girl who loved to play just about everything! But I hadn’t been able to pick up an actual stick until towards the end of high school where our gym teacher taught us how to play merely using plastic scoop cones and it was just so much fun!