Playing for Team Global Network

Team Global Network at SheBox tournament, Prague 2024

She-Box has become an event for National teams to hone their skills and the Women’s Box Lacrosse Global Network touring team has become the premier group for international players wishing to participate in these types of elite-level events as free agents.

Although this group was promoted as a Canadian team at the She-Box event, the Global Network team included players from several different countries who joined forces to play alongside experienced players and builders, connecting them with the community of women growing the sport all over the world.

As well as stars like Team Canada hopeful, Erica Evans, and WBLGN lead ambassador, Savanna Smith, the WBLGN team welcomed Tiffany McIntyre from Switzerland, a country where box doesn’t yet exist for women. A box lacrosse first timer, Tiffany went home equipped with the passion, the contacts, and the support network to help her grow the game in her home nation.

Joining the team all the way from Australia was Natasha Bronkhurst. She’s part of the newly formed Australian National Team but has limited opportunities to compete against players outside of the small Australian pool. A killer face-off specialist, Natasha could often be found before games receiving FO coaching from like the likes of Leah Catton and Savanna Smith who have been working on their FO craft for years.

Canadians made up the bulk of the squad and included several talented U18 players, Avlyn Soucy, Mykenzie Shymko and Avery Gert, players hoping to one day represent Canada. The team also included experienced coach and organiser of the Women’s Western ALL, Savanna Smith, who has a long history with the game.

As our friendship grew, I loved getting to know Savanna’s story. There was no girls’ league when she was younger so she played with boys who often made her feel less than welcome. Now as a formidable adult player, she’s turning the discomfort of being excluded as a kid into creating opportunities for girls and women to compete in a more inclusive and diverse environment.

Coach Lesley Hawke briefing the team

For me, the highlight of the tournament came from the coaching staff: Jen Culp, Haley Price, and the iconic Lesley Hawke, an experienced coach and builder in Alberta. I’d never played on a bench with all female coaches before and what it meant to me was significant. These women have fought their way into leadership in a traditionally male dominated environment that isn’t always so good at nurturing the talent of women. They are here to stay and to trailblaze what that looks like for women everywhere coming into box lacrosse.

They don’t scream at us as they know that being a mentally tough athlete is rooted in self-confidence and a quiet mind, and they are out to nurture, not upset that quiet confidence. They favour a style of quiet encouragement, trusting in our instincts, our creativity, our athletic prowess.

Whenever I came off the field, they would tap my shoulder and tell me where I was successful. Or they might make a suggestion of something to try and do differently. Either way, each interaction helped me know myself as a player, where I excelled, and what I could think about adjusting. Every interaction left me empowered.

So what does it mean to be part of a WBLGN touring team?

It means joining a lacrosse family and becoming a part of that family forevermore!

It means having a Team Mom/Manager, Carla Shymko,presenting you with a personalised goodie-bag of merch upon your arrival and attending to your every need each day!

It means bundling into a hire car driven by one of the team dads, who will spend the day cheering  you and your teammates on.

It is to experience incredible female leadership and know that will be YOU one day!!

That is the heart and soul of a Women’s Box Lacrosse Global Network touring team.


Words by Lizzie Bottrill


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